Younique Shine Make Up Remover Wipes

  Make Up Wipes, the totally convenient and lazy way to wash your face without having to actually wash it.

I’ve always been an avid user of Make Up Wipes, mostly because I am a lazy 🙂  I hate that wearing Make Up means I should wash my face every night before bed.. It’s annoying, you get water everywhere, have to fly blind trying to find a towel to dry your face and more often than not end up with some hectic panda eyes anyway.

I’ve tried a huge range of Make Up Wipes: Johnson and Johnson, Coles/Woolies Brand, Nivea, Simple, Dove, Neutrogena, Garnier, L’Oreal to name a few.. So I was uber excited to learn that my very own Younique Cosmetics have Make Up Wipes!! It was like a ‘OMG I’m gonna do my bum dance now’ type moment for me.

I’ve got pretty sensitive skin, so a couple of the brands above that I’ve tried felt harsh on my skin.. L’Oreal dried my skin out heaps, which resulted in my skin over producing oil and I broke out after a few days of using them – Not ideal! Nivea actually stung my cheeks slightly the first time I used it, when I went back for round two it happened again so I ended up not using them anymore. Of the store bought brands I tried, I found Simple to be the most gentle on my skin, but found I had to use 1-3 wipes to actually get off all my Make Up (depending on how heavy the Make Up was).

Okay – so lets talk about my experience with Younique Shine Make Up Wipes. I’ve been using them close to everyday for about a week and half – my skin is looking really good at the moment, I have the occasional pimple on my chin/forehead (which is pretty much standard for me). I’m totally impressed with the ease of taking off a full face of Make Up with them, I fold my wipe in half and use one side of the wipe for one side of my face and have no issues with having Make Up left on my face.

They are really gentle on my skin, which is probably because they’re infused with sunflower and olive oils, jojoba, vitamin E, and rosemary. Which are all nourishing treats for your skin!

The name of SHINE is lived up to as well, they leave my skin with a lovely Shine (which I guess is the oils sitting on my skin) that lasts around 30Mins to an hour, after that the oils really start to absorb into my skin. At no point do I feel greasy though, which is probably my biggest concern, it almost feels like I’ve applied a really light serum of some kind after I use them.

The Wipes come in a pack of 36, so if used every day should last you roughly 5 weeks – not too shabby for only $26AUD!

Overall, I’m so happy I tried the wipes! I will for sure be using only them for the rest of my days! SO – I am highly recommending Younique Shine Make Up Remover Wipes to anyone who hates washing their face at night as much as me (and just everyone really lol!)

Check out the quick video I did to show you how freaking easy these bad boy Wipes really are 😉

I’ll be back with more soon, so stay tuned.

– Fresh Sass XX  


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